ワンダーランド ウィムズ コレクションは、時代を超えた英国の古典文学「不思議の国のアリス」からインスピレーションを得ています。このコレクションは、LOVE BY THE MOON のロマンチックな美学と、ウサギ、リボン、星、月、花などの気まぐれな要素を美しく融合しています。このコレクションの魅惑的な世界に浸り、毎日の生活に楽しさと興奮を加えてください。
been wanting to get a topaz ring for myself for a long time. I got this ring in moonstone version and i was waiting for a big topaz ring. Eventually I bought the same style in another color, haha!! it really looks lovely <3 Hope to see more big topaz jewellery pieces in the future!!
This pair of earrings is one of my favourite one. I have bought both silver and gold of this earrings. They are easy to match with my outfit, simple but elegant.
I think the earrings size are very good, (I don’t like small earrings, not eye catching), and this pair will not too big or shiny and become too fancy for office look.
I bought the pink opal gold choker - moon circle together with the moonstone gold toggle necklace - love. When the two are worn together, you can see amazing effect! Love them!
popped by the store and the tried a few necklaces, was then recommended by the staff to try the triple beaded necklace. it was nice by itself, and matches the simple moonstone star pendant well too. perfect for daily or formal wear.